The Works of Our Academicians were Awarded

AFSU Faculty of Medicine, Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases (ENT) and Department of Internal Medicine faculty members won prizes for their scientific studies at the congresses they attended.

The study titled “The Role of IL-6 Receptor Inhibition in the Treatment of Cervical Cancer” by our Internal Medicine academicians received the best oral presentation award at the 11th Turkish Medical Oncology Congress, while the study titled “The Effect of PRF Application on Postoperative Synechiae in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Patients” by our ENT academicians was awarded the third prize for oral presentation at the 18th Turkish Rhinology Congress.

The study titled “The Effect of PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) Application on Postoperative Synechiae (Adhesions) in Patients Undergoing Endoscopic Sinus Surgery” prepared by Prof. Dr. Orhan Kemal Kahveci, Head of ENT Department, Prof. Dr. Abdülkadir Bucak, Prof. Dr. Fatih Çelenk, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erkan Yıldız, Assist. Prof. Dr. Çağlar Günebakan, Research Assistants Dr. Murat Özdemir and Dr. Lütfullah Mingbashi received the third prize for oral presentation at the 18th Turkish Rhinology Congress organized by the Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association in Antalya.

Prof. Dr. Meltem Baykara, Head of AFSU Department of Internal Medicine, led the team. Other members included Prof. Dr. Sefa Çelik, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer Demir, Research Assistants Dr. Yaşar Culha and Dr. Beyza Ünlü, Dr. Sena Ece Davarcı, and Lecturer Serkan Şen won the best oral presentation award at the 11th Turkish Medical Oncology Congress in Kyrenia, TRNC. His talk was called “The Role of IL-6 Receptor Inhibition in Cervical Cancer Treatment.”

Güncelleme Tarihi: 12 Eylül 2024

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