
Dear Students,

I am happy to invite you your new house in the name of AHSU, Afyonkarahisar Health Sciences University. Our university was founded as a health-themed university and has an important place among the health-themed universities in Turkey.

Having a deep-rooted history, Afyonkarahisar is the capital city of Turkey in the fields of the marble production, thermal tourism and gastronomy. As AHSU, we want to make this beautiful city a capital city of health as well. For this reason,we are conducting important projects in the fields of health tourism and pharmacy.

We want to root AHSU in the heart of Afyon and make contacts with the vvhole World. Although we are a young university, we have become a university vvhich is chosen by successful students and academicians and also quotas of vvhich is %100 full.

We have a perfect academic staff, an eyeful physical and scientific substructure, social and cultural opportunities of the city and the region vvhere we locate as well as the constant developmental perspective of international cooperation.

Students who choose AHSU will have the chance their applied education under the experienced academicians’ supervision in a Health Application and Research Center which has high standards.

We offer you a theoretical and applicable-oriented gualified education and a professional life experience together. AHSU is a university vvhich prepares students their professional life and supports them after the graduation as well.

We are with you during and after your education.

Prof. Dr. Nurullah Okumuş

  • Afyonkarahisar Health Sciences University was founded in 2018.
  • Now, the university has educational activities with 4 faculties at Bachelor of Science degree level, 3 vocational colleges at Associate Degree level, 1 institutes for graduate education.
  • Afyonkarahisar Health Sciences University has more than 5 000 registered student.

Güncelleme Tarihi: 29 Mart 2021

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